Troubleshooting Guide
We are always happy to help save our customers time and money! If you encounter issues, consider trying these helpful hints before you call us.


Thermostat Check
- Is your thermostat set to the correct position (cool or auto)?
- Is the thermostat set for the right time of day (a.m. or p.m.)?
- Does the thermostat need new batteries?
Circuit Breaker Check
Check your circuit breaker to ensure it’s not tripped to the “off” position.
Filter Check
Inspect your filter to ensure it is clean and allows proper airflow.
Air Conditioning Unit Check
Verify that your air conditioning unit is not covered with debris.
By going through each item on this checklist, you can troubleshoot common heating issues and potentially resolve them. However, if the problem persists or you’re unsure about any of the steps, it’s recommended to seek professional assistance.
Thermostat Check
- Is your thermostat set to the correct position (heat or auto)?
- Is the thermostat set for the right time of day (a.m. or p.m.)?
- Does the thermostat need new batteries?
Circuit Breaker Check
Check your circuit breaker to ensure it’s not tripped to the “off” position.
Furnace Switch Check
Verify that your furnace switch is turned to the “on” position.
Gas Shut-off Switch Check
Check to ensure your gas shut-off switch is turned to the “on” position.
Furnace Fuse Check
Inspect your furnace fuse to ensure it is not blown.
Filter Check
Verify that your filter is clean and allows proper airflow.
By going through each item on this checklist, you can troubleshoot common heating issues and potentially resolve them. However, if the problem persists or if any of the steps are unclear, it’s recommended to seek professional assistance.
HVAC Maintenance & Repair.
Regular maintenance is crucial for your heating and air conditioning system to guarantee optimal performance and longevity. Additionally, neglecting maintenance can lead to poor performance, increased operating costs, and a shortened lifespan. Follow these recommendations to keep your system in top condition:

Filter Maintenance
Clean or change your filters every one to three months, depending on your home’s air quality.
Annual Cleaning & Inspection
Have your system professionally cleaned and inspected annually to identify potential issues and ensure peak performance.
Customized Service intervals
Some systems may require more frequent servicing; however, others may need service every other year. Contact us for personalized advice.

Invest in Regular Maintenance
Investing in regular maintenance pays off with improved performance, energy efficiency, and as a result a longer lifespan for your system. Don’t wait for costly breakdowns-prioritize maintenance to enjoy reliable comfort year-round.